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Amend OCGA 16-14-4 to add the following sections (d.) and (e.):
(d.) No prosecution may be commenced or continued under this Chapter, nor shall any conviction be valid, after July 1, 2023, when any part of the indictment, accusation, or other charging instrument alleges violations of O.C.G.A §§ 16-9-1, O.C.G.A §§ 16-9-93, O.C.G.A §§ 16-10-1, O.C.G.A §§ 16-10-20, O.C.G.A §§ 16-10-20.1, O.C.G.A §§ 16-10-21, O.C.G.A §§ 16-10-23, O.C.G.A §§ 16-10-93, O.C.G.A §§ 21-2-566, O.C.G.A §§ 21-2-574, O.C.G.A §§ 21-2-603.
(e.) The legislative intent of this section is to ensure and prohibit any current or future politically motivated prosecutions in the State of Georgia, preventing the violations of individual rights, as well as safeguarding the funds of taxpayers and ensuring that judicial resources are focused on actual crimes and not political vendettas. Therefore:
1. In any prosecution under this Chapter pending on or after July 1, 2023, where any part of the indictment, accusation, or other charging instrument alleges violations of Georgia law listed in O.C.G.A §§ 16-14-4(d), then the entire prosecution shall be immediately discontinued and dismissed by the Court, and no part of it may be reindicted, recommenced, or otherwise brought again in any Court of this State
2. The provisions of O.C.G.A §§ 16-14-4(d) shall not apply to any conviction under this Chapter that is final or under appeal as of July 1, 2023.
If we need any caselaw to defend the idea that you can repeal a pending prosecution or law, here we go:
Daker v. Williams, 279 Ga. 782, 785, 621 S.E.2d 449, 451 (2005)
Hanson v. State, 271 Ga. 145, 146, 518 S.E.2d 111, 111 (1999)

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